
13 Longevity Tips to Reach 100 Years Old

What can be learned from longevity research about living to 100 years old? There is a ton of great information that has been learned about living to be 100 years old and the 13 tips are my recommendations to attempt to love to a happy, healthy, loving life centagenarian.

Today is the 100th Episode of Dr. Devin’s Wellness Wednesday Workshop!

Welcome to Dr. Devin’s Wellness Wednesday Workshop where my goal is to help you take steps to get back to health!

Here are the 13 tips and links to previous episodes where I talk about them (your genes have very little to do with longevity):

  1. Limit Calories
    1. Goal = eat to 80% full
    2. Episodes: 4, 7, 47, 51, 53, 73, 95
  2. Eat more nuts
    1.  Goal = 1 serving/day
      1. At least 3 servings/week
  3. Consume turmeric
    1. Turmeric forte from Standard Process
    2. Episodes: 15, 16
  4. Eat healthy plant foods
    1. Goal = eat more fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and beans
    2. Don’t need to be a vegetarian/vegan
      1. Cut all processed meats
    3. Episodes: 11, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 48, 54, 86, 99
  5. Stay active
    1. Goal = 15 minutes/day
    2. Stretch goal = regularly work towards adding an additional 15 minutes/day
    3. Episodes: 18, 40, 41, 42, 55, 57, 69, 70, 71, 75, 81, 85, 90, 91, 96, 98
  6. Don’t smoke or stop smoking
    1. Never too late to quit
      1. By 35 – prolong life by up to 8.5 years
      2. By 60’s – by up to 3.7 years
      3. Even some benefits quitting in 80’s
  7. Moderate alcohol intake
    1. Don’t need to start drinking if you don’t drink
    2. Beer – 5% alcohol
      1. Men – 36 oz/day up to 168 oz/week
      2. Women – 24 oz/day up to 84 oz/week
    3. Wine – 12% alcohol
      1. Men – 15 oz/day up to 70 oz/week
      2. Women – 10 oz/day up to 35 oz/week
    4. Distilled spirits – 40% alcohol
      1. Men – 4.5 oz/day up to 21 oz/week
      2. Women – 3 oz/day up to 10.5 oz/week
  8. Prioritize happiness
    1. Overall, happy people live 18% longer
    2. Episodes: 6, 52
  9. Avoid chronic stress & anxiety
    1. Stressed/anxious
      1. Women – 2x more likely to die from heart disease, stroke, or lung cancer
      2. Men – 3x higher risk of death
    2. Laughter, optimism, and positive outlook on life
    3. Episodes: 58, 59, 66, 80
  10. Nurture your social circle
    1. You need health social networks (not Facebook or Instagram) – live 50% longer
    2. Just 3 social ties decreases the risk of early death by 200%
    3. Providing support is better than receiving support
    4. Episode: 97
  11. Be more conscientious
    1. Self disciplined, organized, efficient, and goal oriented
    2. Start small by tidying up your desk, sticking to a plan, and being on time
    3. Episodes: 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 68, 76, 80, 83
  12. Drink coffee or tea
    1. Less than 400 mg caffeine (4 cups of coffee) daily
    2. Stop drinking caffeine around lunchtime
  13. Develop a good sleeping pattern
    1. Go to bed and wake up around the same time daily
    2. < 5-7 hours/ day = 12% increase in early death
    3. >8-9 hours/day = 38% decreased life span
    4. Ideal is 7-8 hours/day
    5. Episodes: 12, 27, 92

Previous videos in this series:

  1. 3 exercise tips to lose belly fat
  2. The safest way to lower blood pressure

Join us next time so we can continue helping you take steps to get back to health! Until then, contact me at 704-827-6560 or chiro@atkinsonfamilychiro.com

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