Take a deep breath. You’re going to get through this. Now let it out. Here’s some hope and some exercises to do at home if you are quarantined. Welcome to Dr. Devin’s Wellness Wednesday Workshop where my goal is to help you maintain or improve your active lifestyle. We will answer these questions today:
- What are we to do about the state of the world?
- Are there exercises I should do at home?
- Can I do some yoga at home?
- Should I worry?
- We are to pray and ask God for everything we need, always giving thanks for what we have. And because we belong to Christ Jesus, God’s peace will overcome our worries by standing guard over all our thoughts and feelings. His peace can do this far better than our human minds.
- Yes…here they are
- For the back
- For the neck
- For the back
- Yes – for only $20 a month get unlimited virtual yoga here
- Don’t worry…be happy!
- But seriously, I don’t worry because this isn’t the only life we have. Someday I will be with Jesus and so can you.
Here’s the extra steps we’ve implemented to help reduce your risk of exposure at our office:
- We are cleaning all surfaces between each patient
- When you arrive for your appointment, text us at 704-966-9095. Wait for Lani to respond to come in. We are only letting 2 patients in at a time.
- We took away the stylus to check in. Use your fingers instead, they’re much easier to clean.
If you or someone you love is suffering from headaches or migraines, I have a free e-book called : DOSES is my 15 minute routine so you can decrease head pain, improve flexibility, and be on your way to feeling on top of the world! Just click !
Join us next time so we can continue helping you maintain or improve your active lifestyle. Until then, contact me at 704-827-6560 or chiro@atkinsonfamilychiro.com